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Governing Bodies

Our strategy and unique system architecture allows us to make very large organizations more efficient, but with simplicity - for players and users.

Key Features


Website Widget

Integrated Payroll/ Accounting

CRM Dashboard & Reporting

Registration Widget

Integrated Payroll/ Accounting

Communication tools

Officials Scheduling

Key Features

Integrated Payroll/Accounting
Mobile App for Participants
Event Management
API Integration
CRM Dashboard & Reporting
Website Widget
Registration Widget
Communication Tools
Officials Scheduling
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Visibility & Oversight

SportNinja platform has been designed for enterprise-level customers with custom levels of hierarchy and role-based access. This allows clubs to manage themselves independently, but parent orgs (ie. prov/country admins) to have full visibility and oversight.

Attendance Management & Control

Mobile scoring is directly connected to team/player attendance, allowing for streamlined, official check-in - ensuring players aren't playing if suspended or have not signed waivers. Modernizing what is currently a very manual paper-based system.
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Scorekeeping Efficiency

Scoring can be captured in multiple ways from ANY device and seamlessly updates all systems simultaneously (app/web/custom websites) with full stats for players and goalkeepers. This saves officials time and streamlines administration.

Player/Parent Experience & Communication

Many teams currently use other apps like Teamsnap or Benchapp in addition to their league platform. SportNinja provides a free app (with no ads) that includes key Team features: chat, attendance, lineups, notifications, achievements, calendar sync, etc. This increases engagement of participants and brings everyone under the leagues umbrella, allowing for easy accessible communication.
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SportNinja has expanded our reach and engagement with participants

SportNinja is a forward thinking company that's looking to change the expectations of what a traditional stat-based user experience looks like. While there's still plenty of runway before the finish line, they've demonstrated that product innovation is important to them.


Start Simplifying
Your Sports League Today!

Save time. Save Money.
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